Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am sick of the sound of my own whingy voice at the moment. Things are just not getting better and I am having more bad days than good. I can't write about it or talk about it. I miss my baby girl and nothing can make that better at the moment. I can just hide and hope for a better day tomorrow.


megs said...

Your last sentence sounds like a great plan to get through an extremely crap day... hang in there! Lots of hugs from me! xo

Jenn said...

I concur. Hang in there babe! Batten down the hatches and hopefully in some way we can all help you weather this storm XOXO

Michelle said...

I am so sorry that you are having more bad days than good. Most of us can only imagine the anguish you are feeling. Hide away, scream or just cry your heart out.. do what ever you need to do just to get through.

Anonymous said...

Scream and let it all out I say hon, hopefully I can come and help put a little smile on that beautiful face of yours and we can talk about Lola and all her cuteness x x x

Jenn said...

A very cute darling indeed. She gets cuter every time I look at the pictures... :-)