Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I'd love to know if you are reading and what you think. All the encouragement I've been receiving so far has been awesome. xxxx

P.P.S. Jackson's Grandma asked him today if he wanted to blow out a candle especially for Lola, Jackson replied 'But it's MY birthday today!' Love it!


Chantelle {fat mum slim} said...

I haven't been reading because I didn't know that you were blogging beyond Lola's beautiful birth story.

So I am trying to cram in all the reading now before work. I will be reading from now on though.

If you want to know how many people are reading etc you can go to

Sign up and then you'll be able to see what is happening behind the scenes. xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Kristalee, that is such a beautiful print and so perfect. How serendipitous that you found one with that title.

Your blog is an inspiration - we so rarely talk openly about death and grief in our culture and it is refreshing to change that. It's also incredible to be privy to how life marches on and all the busyness of small children and family life continues. Amazing.